Saturday, November 1, 2008

Out of the mouthes of babes

We have the Children's Songbook CD's with the primary music. We listen to them in the car when the boys ask to and also when the whining and screaming have gotten so out of control that mommy REALLY needs the spirit with us.
The newest "hit" song knocking Popcorn Popping down from it's #1 spot is The Wise Man and The Foolish Man. As we were listening to the song the other day, Remy pipes up from the back seat. "That foolish man who built his house on the sand...Well, he really should have known better."


Dawn said...

really what was that foolish man thinking? I am sure if he had just listened to his mom/dad/teachers he would have done better.

Cindy said...

It's a good thing you are teaching your children about sturdy foundations. One day when they build their own houses, things will work out for them.

Anonymous said...

That Remy - a deep thinker, he is!