Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another Tate/Remy ism....

I was asking Tate if he knew what my name was. Mandy, he replies. But, I call you mommy.
M: "What is Daddy's name?"
T: "Darrin"
M: "What do you call him?"

T: "Stupid"

I thought Darrin was going to pee his pants from laughing so hard.


Remy has had his little blanket which he affectionately calls "snug" since he was 6 months old. He only uses it at night to sleep with now, and the other night I had finished reading him his stories and he was hunkering down for the night and he says
R: "Where is my snugger buggerson?"
M: "Did you just say snugger buggerson?"
R: " Yah, that is what I call my snug now!"
M " I love it Remy!"


Cindy said...


You're kids are so awesome!!!

Ashlee said...

Oh my heck! That's so funny! I love it! I can't wait for Avalon to start talking so I get to hear everything she says!

Nat said...

Ha ha ha! That is hilarious! Poor Darrin! Lucky Snugger Buggerson!

Kara's Party Ideas said...

hehehehe! keep their awesome quotes a comin'...they're hilarious!!

Becky said...

ROTFL!! lol

Anonymous said...

Mark won't make the shirt - he doesn't want Darrin to feel bad.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!
I can't believe how big your kids look. I almost didn't recognize Remy.