Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Who needs a real bed, or real food for that matter!

I guess we really don't need to provide the niceties of life for our boys. We have a nice, comfy queen size bed for Remy to sleep on. We have yummy, scrumptious meals for our boys to eat everyday (you know there are starving kids in Africa!). But, I guess they just really are low
Remy sleeping on the treadmill and Tate serving Playdough for dinner.

Friday, June 13, 2008

What a Sod Story

This really is more of a happy story: We got Sod for our backyard!!!! What a crazy adventure it was too! We have a neighbor and friend who's mother works for the church. She is a secretary in a department that oversees 60 churches in the Salt Lake area. A church in West Valley was turning some of its huge huge grassy area/softball diamond into a parking lot and we could have the sod for free, we just had to cut it and haul it away. Hallelujah!! We figured we needed 2000 sq/ft and this would have cost us about 500.00 if we paid for it.

We borrowed a truck and small trailer from a friend and one of my Bradshaw hero's, papa Mike, drove up to drive it up to WV for me on Friday night (Darrin was working and we were starting at 5:00 pm). We started cutting and putting sod in for 5 families in our neighborhood and we finally after 3 hours started loading up our little truck and trailer. We got about 300 sq/ft in it. Yup, that's it. So, by that time Darrin had come up and traded his dad and grandpa took the boys home to get them to bed. Darrin and I started to drive the truck home and we were on the road to Eagle Mountain when we passed two Utah Co. Sheriff's and Darrin said to me "Does this trailer have working tail lights?" "Nope", I replied. And right on cue the lights came on. "Oh, fiddlesticks" Darrin said (Edited for content) Long story short, the cop was nice and didn't give Darrin a ticket, we drove home with our flashers on, and when we got home we couldn't get them to turn off. While trying to turn the flashers off Darrin honks the horn, which is NOT in the proper place but a rogue button under the stereo. Mike and Darrin finally got them turned off, and we laid our first 300 sq/ft at 11:00pm

Many more trips the next day (four to be exact), a visit to the instacare for Darrin (kidney stones), and Grandpa Mike loving us more and more with every piece of sod he carried, we finally finished with our yard.

We spend a total of 130.00 for gas and our share of a sod cutter. Not a bad deal money wise, but 500.00 wasn't sounding too bad by load number 3...

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Ok, so I got tired of the hair on my arms, so in a fit of girlish vanity and stupidity, I "Naired" my arms. It provided such nice soft skin. I kept rubbing my arms on my cheek and admiring the smoothness. Then it started growing back 2 days later. My realistic voice came into the picture. "Mandy, you can't keep this up, you do good to get deoderant and teeth brushing accomplished on a daily basis. What were you thinking?" I wasn't. I just wanted smooth, supple arms.
One day I will make friends with a laser technologist. Yeah, that's what I'll do.