Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Motherhood Olympics, summer games

Welcome to the Motherhood Olympics Summer Games!!!

Events Include:

Minivan Madness
Mothers must, in reverse, navigate minivan out of regulation sized driveway while avoiding bicycles, scooters, tricycles, helmets, shoes, and bubbles. Each item hit by said minivan will cause a point deduction.

Race to pick up Little Johnny from school.
Mothers will be alerted for this phase of the game right as the "school bell" is ringing.
They will be timed as to how quickly they can load up all other accompanying children of the household and race to elementary school before Little Johnny is escorted by frowning, head shaking teacher into the office to wait for mommy.
Time will continue to accrue if Mother has to unload all children and schlep into office to retrieve crying Johnny. (only 6 more days of school, you know!)

Fastest Block in the West
In this summer game mothers will be timed on how quickly, yet thoroughly, sunblock is applied to squirming children.

Cuts and Scrapes 101
Mothers will be evaluated on over all knowledge and response to minor cuts, scrapes and bruises that inevitably accompany summer outside play.

Stations will include:
**Road Rash Rally**
**Have a Nice Trip, See You Next Fall**
**Bicycle Crash and Burn**
**Head Butt Bonanza**
**Rocks and Roll*
**Sliver City**

In the event of a tie, Mothers will be tested on their ability to accurately name the flavors of Tropical and Original Otter Pops based on color alone.

Happy Summer to all of the Mothers out there!


Cindy said...

Oh I could so win the sunblock competition after going through 2 bottles in Hawaii. I LOVE the tie. That's totally awesome. You are so creative. I love it!

Niki said...

You crack me up...

Nat said...

I could take gold in all of these events! We should really do it! :)

Lisa said...

Hahaha! I love the Cuts and Scrapes Events.