Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Finally finished....sort of.

I finally finished painting Remy's Beatles room and got the pictures, quotes and records up on the one wall. I have his quilt done, now I just need to get pillow cases and to put up the Abbey Road poster. But, here are some pictures of it. It's pretty bold, but Remy loves it and I am pretty satisfied.

The famous Yellow Submarine (Remy's favorite Beatles song)

Three Beatles Records, Some Pictures That Remy Drew, and Some Favorite Beatles Song Lines By Family Members....

A View of The Quilt


wendy and brig said...

Thats so cute he loves the beatles. Good job on the room.

Mikelle said...

Wow, I am super impressed with your mural!! Great job!

Niki said...

Wow...that looks great!

janelle said...

You're such a fun mom! You did an awesome job painting!

Joe and Liz said...

Wow are so talented. That's one awesome room!! Lucky boy!

Kara's Party Ideas said...

no way!!! that is so, i am impressed! way to go!

Lisa said...

That is SO awesome!

When did you say you were coming, again? ;-)

Becky said...

That is so cool! I love it!

Spencer, Emily, Ashlee said...

I love it! The Beatles are so awesome! That is so cool that Remy is into them!

Anonymous said...

Great Job Mandy! Ever thought of becoming a professional?

Auntie Doris