Monday, April 20, 2009

Hablo Espanol!?

There are those days when I really have to stop and consider: Am I speaking Spanish? Soy Hablando Espanol?

You know those types of days when you realize you are talking and NOBODY is listening? Really. Can you hear the words that are comin' out of my mouth?

I just have to pause to see if I have somehow converted my native tongue to Spanish or German or Marshallese.

No, I've just turned into the teacher on Charlie Brown.


Ray Friday said...

Go with Marshallese!

Niki said...

I know exactly what you mean...

The Adams said...

haha :) love it!

Lisa said...

Sometimes, when I think no one is listening to my "Mom" voice, I actually do start speaking like Charlie's Brown's gets people's attention!

Nat said...

Huh. That happens to me all the time!

Ruth n Mike said...

So Yetze, Ich werde gern deutch mit ihnen sprechen! Manchmal, ich werde deutch met yedemann sprechen! haha Tschau!

Mandy said...

I love it Ruth!

Becky said...

Yeah I feel like the Charlie Brown teacher sometimes too. lol