Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cha cha cha changes

When we moved into our home almost 4 years ago, everything was perfect, brand new and lovely. Including our low grade, standard carpet that cost us nothing extra. We knew that we had a 18 month old and a 4 year old and no matter what carpet we got it would be stained and gross after a few years, so why pay extra?

Well, 3 1/2 years and two growing boys later: it is disgusting.

We got enough money back from Uncle Sam to install some new flooring (it's called Nova Cherry....yum) YIPEE!!!!!

It's a big project and it includes painting some walls before we rip out the carpet so I don't get paint on the new floor (which I always do).

Here are some 'before' pictures....and yes, my house was clean yesterday. Too bad you missed it.

Our landing upstairs (see the preschool room door!)

Our stairs

Our Living Room

Our Kitchen (I spy a: cotton candy machine, painting supplies, dinner dishes, laundry)

Remy had this ***awesome*** idea (his words). He wanted to draw on the carpet since we were going to rip it up. Why not. Here is our family a la sharpie with a carpet canvas. I think it could be a big hit one day.

Tune in next week to see the finished project.....


Betsy B said...

Oooo... the suspense! It'll look so great!

Mikelle said...

so jealous! its going to look AWESOME!! I agree kids are sooooo hard on carpet!

Cindy said...

Yeah!!! I'm so excited to see it!!

Betsy B said...

Cool! That would make a great welcome mat for Remy's room!

Lisa said...

Can't wait to see the transformation!