Thursday, December 17, 2009

Self-Decorating for Christmas?

So, Remy came home from school last Thursday with pink-eye. It was a pretty good case of it too. It was more like Christmas Red-Eye. Not so jolly.

I took him to the instacare to get some drops because he really wanted to go to school on Friday. We got home at 9:30 that night and put a couple of rounds of drops in that night. The next day he woke up with his eye almost swollen shut. It kind of freaked me out because I was hospitalized for 3 days with cellulitis when I was 15, and my eye looked exactly like his.

So, after the late night instacare visit, I still kept him home from school and took him to our pediatrician, who gave him an oral antibiotic to take if it got worse thru the day.

Thank goodness it started improving and after a couple of days was all clear.

One week later (this morning) both boys woke up with Christmas Red-eye jolliness again (opposite eye for Remy). Remy's is clearing up pretty quickly this time, but Tate's is being more stubborn.

(OK, really bad picture of Tate...he did not want me to take a picture of him)

Also....All Remy wants for Christmas is his two front teeth!!! He lost one two weekends ago and one today. He is very excited for the tooth fairy to come again tonight.

Tooth #1

Tooth #2 & 2nd round of pink-eye :)


Betsy B said...

Sounds like fun all around at your house! I think Remy's smile is getting bigger with every tooth he loses!

Mikelle said...

good luck, pink eye is the WORST!!

Nat said...

I hope they all feel better soon! Toothless Remy is still handsome!

Cindy said...

Your kids are so cute! Even with pink eyes and missing teeth! I'm sorry everyone is sick! I hope they are all better by Christmas!

Lisa said...

I have to agree, even with pink eyes, your boys are the cutest and most handsome!

AMIT said...

Your little kid so cute one.

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