Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa wears brown...

And drives a UPS truck! Every year Christmas is just a little teensy bit marred by the fact that Darrin works 12 hour days in the snow, cold and wind delivering packages to all the good girls and boys.

This year has not been as bad, due to the struggling economy (good for our Brown Santa, but not good for our country). But, it finally hit yesterday. Between the monstrous storms that have hit in the past couple days and all of the Amazon packages finally arriving, Daddy has been rolling in way past bedtime.

This year Darrin's brother Brady is his driver helper, his elf you might say....Brady just got back from his mission and it worked out to have a little extra money until Christmas. So, now we have two Bradshaw boys wearing o' the brown.
Tate and Remy love to go see Daddy and Brady, so we tracked them down the other day to say hello and take some pictures!

We stalk this truck on a daily basis.

This is how we kiss Daddy goodnight at Christmas time!

"That house right there, if you don't do it I'm telling MOM!"

"Um, you guys could get a lot more done if you would stop trying to kiss each other!"

"Okay boys, just hold it for one more picture!"
Darrin: "HURRY, we need to go!!!"
Brady: "What's the rush?"


wendy and brig said...

Wow, you guys have a ton of snow. Am I jealous? Ummmm.....NO. The other night Brig and I went to the mall (outside mall) and they had snow machines making snow fall on everyone. Now that is my kind of snow. Outside in the warmth with flutters falling on you.
Hope you are doing well. We miss you.

Ruth n Mike said...

Yeh for the Bradshaw Browns! That sounds like a commercial? Well just a few more days and it will be over! Can't wait to see you all! love ya

Kara's Party Ideas said...

poor darrin! you gotta' love ups though! thanks to them we all have christmas :) THANKS DARRIN!

Kara's Party Ideas said...

p.s. i totally copied your bowling pic in my post today :). when we were bowling i remebered your cool pic and had to take one too! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Darrin Claus and Brady Claus for helping to get Christmas under our trees!

Great pics Mandy!