Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yo Ho Blow the Man Down!

Yesterday we had some really windy weather in Utah County and especially in American Fork where Darrin has his route and we have work/school. The preschoolers had a ton of fun outside throwing the leaves up in the air and watching them blow across the playground.
Later that afternoon Darrin called me and told me he had gotten hit. I immediately had a picture of a scrunched brown truck. I said, where did you get hit? He said, I was walking down the street.

What?! YOU got hit? He said yes, I was walking down the street back to my truck and out of nowhere this tent hit me!
Yes, a fully erected, family size tent complete with rain fly, smacked right into my UPS driver. Luckily he was not impaled by a stake or smacked up the side of the head by the zipper.

I might venture to say that he will be on the look out for accompanying sleeping bags and canteens with in the next few days.


Cindy said...

Haha! I think you should sue the tent for physical and emotional damage it may have caused you and your family. Good luck on a healthy recovery!

The Adams said...

lol That is pretty funny!!! Poor Darrin, he is always being picked on! :)

Macy Perrone said...

oh my good-ness! i really didn't mean to laugh so hard at darrin's misfortune...but man oh man that is funny!

Macy Perrone said...

btw--love the bowling shoes! super cute!!!