Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Day's #17

All the kiddies.

The water was freezing!! Remy didn't care, though!!


Okay, I figured that I would tweak this a bit. I am only going to post, um, novel things that we do. I mean, how many posts of us folding clothes can you take, right?

On Wednesday we went to the splash park with the Flinders. The city built this splash park and it opened about a week ago. It is so small compared to the sheer number of kids that are in the city that we all had a good laugh. But, so far it hasn't been too over run. We'll see if it stays that way.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Day's #16

Today after church and our Sunday naps, we played a game of Monopoly. I am quite sure my mother wouldn't approve of playing Monopoly on Sunday. Would it make it okay if we payed monopoly tithing on all our monopoly money?

Summer Day's #15

Yesterday we went to Huntington Canyon to have a picnic and get out of the heat.
As usual it was beautiful there and we had a great day.

The boys standing on a tree stump. I don't know what they are pointing at. I just made them do it for the picture.

Remy sitting on a log, waiting for his feet to dry after getting out of the coooolld river.

Tate standing in the river enjoying the cold cold water.

Summer Day's #14

On Friday we went to Provo to Grandma O.'s house to take her to all sorts of doctors appointments. So. Much. Fun.
It was nice to be with grandma, the boys always love playing at her house and eating lots of popsicles and fruit snacks.

My full service gas station. They even clean the lights for me!

Summer Day's #13

On Thursday, we played around at the Flinder's house and then we folded and put away mounds of clothes.

On a side note, Darrin is saving up to buy a Chevy K5 Blazer, and I have put in my two cents (literally and figuratively) that I would love for him to buy a 1969-1972 because they have a fully convertible top.....then the whole family can go topless! I think they look really really cool.
Anyway, on Thursday we were at the gas station and I saw this beauty. I fell in love. I had to take a picture and send it to Darrin so he could drool too.

Summer Day's #12

You thought I forgot, didn't you?

Heaven's no....just a little slow putting it on here.

Let's see....

On Wednesday Darrin and the boys had a rousing game of catch with the football in the backyard when Darrin got home from work.