Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mrs. Hollingshead and 1st Grade

Remy met his teacher yesterday, Mrs. Hollingshead. She is very nice and I am sure Remy will have a great year with her. There are 1200 children in Remy's school and about 3600 brothers and sisters. It is pretty crazy to see all the kids and their families there at the school!
Here are a couple pictures of my big 1st grader!

Remy and Mrs. Hollingshead

Remy and Tate before heading to school

Remy and his good friend Hayden

There are not being arrested...We just thought they looked so cute with their huge backpacks!

Lining up to go inside his class.


Joe and Liz said...

Gotta love the big backpacks!!!!

Lisa said...

Aw, our Remy is a big first grader!

How was lunch at school?